Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Assignments Available Online & Broken Links Fixed

A few "bugs" in the website have been fixed. Currently, all of the assignments are available for download if they have a worksheet or word document icon on the list of assignments. As the students have  been working on layered curriculum assignments, a few online problems have occurred:

  1. Edline Accounts. Students must have their own account. I helped students setup accounts back in October. But some did not setup their accounts and must do so to complete C15, C16, C17, A6, A7, A8, A9 & A19. 
  2. Broken Links. A few of the assignments did not have functioning links. At this time, I think most of the links are working on the website. If you have any issues, please leave a comment below or send me an email.
  3. Time line. Students should be working toward the goal where they will be completing all Level C assignments by Friday. Currently, 20% of the students in the eighth grade have completed Level C.  
  4. Cookie Errors on Edline. I have not determined what the issue is with Edline and Internet Explorer. It is suggested that students use another internet browser program due to a specific error message that the students have been getting through the IE program.

Labs Today:

Periods A through F
Period H
B.4 Simple Machine Safari
B.4 Simple Machine Safari
B.5 Pulley Lab
B.7 thermal Transfer Lab
B.6 Simple Machine Workstations
B.8 Electroscope Lab

B.9 Simple Circuit Lab

Assignments are available for download at the following website: 


Layered curriculum due April 28, 2011 (period H)

Layered curriculum unit test April 28, 2011 (period H)

Layered curriculum due May 4, 2011 (periods A through F)

Layered curriculum unit test May 5, 2011 (periods A through F)

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