Friday, February 18, 2011

What does the data tell us?

"Is there a mathematical relationship between 'steepness' and the time it takes a ball to travel the length of an inclined plane?" 

As the students explore Newton's Laws through inclined planes, we have expressed the need to look carefully at data. The type and quality of numbers that are collected during an experiment will determine success. The questions we've raised today ranged from outliers to the appropriate number of trials. The teams will have to examine what makes a good data set and determine their confidence that the numbers are both accurate and precise.

Next Monday we will be exploring what the groups have uncovered so far about motion.  We will talk about the numbers they have collected and address any issues they have had. We will also begin to analyze the information to see what patterns are in the data set regarding motion and the inclined planes.

The unit test scores were very impressive. The average for the entire 8th grade was 87%. The scores for the unit assessment are available on Edline. Great work students!

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