Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Snow Day, Online Content Available, and Extra Credit

With today's unexpected day off, I figured I could do some updates on the website. I am uploading the notes, practice problems, and tutorials to the website. The latest assignments are available for download too (F2 Reading Activity and F3 Homework: Elements of Motion). For a complete list of graded assignments for Unit F, Newton's Laws, download the assignment sheet.

Extra Credit! - Choose only one!
Also available are two extra credit activities that will be available on Wednesday. First is the VocabTV activity where students design one PowerPoint slide for the classroom TV. All of the submitted PowerPoint slides will be displayed throughout the day. Animated slides are due to me by Wednesday (March 2, 2011) by email, flashdrive, or Edline submission. More information about VocabTV is available in the linked document (pdf).

Second is adding content to this blog. Students are encouraged to look online for a YouTube video that helps the class understand speed, acceleration, or velocity. The students are to post the video to the blog as a comment. All that students need to do is copy and paste the YouTube address into the "post a comment area." Students need to write 3-5 sentences about why their video is a good example of speed, acceleration, or velocity. Be sure students include their name to indicate who submitted the video. More information about the YouTube video and submitting content can be read in this linked document (pdf). All student names will be removed from content before videos and sentences are posted to the blog. This activity is due by Thursday, March 3, 2011.

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